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Kaduna: Gov El-Rufai pardons four prisoners

Kaduna State Governor, Nasir El-Rufai, has pardoned four prisoners in commemoration of Nigeria’s 62nd independence anniversary, which was celebrated on October 1.

A statement from Sir Kashim Ibrahim Government House, Kaduna, on Monday, said the governor’s decision was based on the powers conferred on him by Section 212 of the 1999 Constitution.

It listed the pardoned prisoners as Abdullahi Haruna, Usman Ahmed, Mohammed Sani and Khalillullahi Mohammed.

The statement explained that Gov. El-Rufai acted on the recommendation of the state’s Advisory Council on the Prerogative of Mercy.

“The pardoned prisoners were serving sentences of three years and above, and had six months or less to the end of their prison terms.

“Gov. El-Rufai urged the pardoned prisoners to be of good conduct as they reunite with their families and are re-integrated into the larger society,‘’ the statement added. (NAN)

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