The Election Petition Tribunal sitting at Sharia Court of Appeal, Ilorin, has commenced hearing of the Patigi Constituency by-election into the Kwara State House of Assembly.

The petitioners, Mohammed Salihu Yahaya and the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) through their counsel, Ibn Mahmud Geo, were challenging the respondent, Ahmed Rufai Adam, of irregularities in writing his name.

The petitioners alleged that Adam who won at the poll, failed to comply with the provision of the Electoral Act saying he submitting false affidavit to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

In an interview with our our correspondent, Counsel to the respondent, John Bayeshea SAN, said all necessary document in respect of the case have been filed before the court to enter hearing proper.

The matter has however, been adjourned to eleventh of this month for continuation of hearing.

Recall that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) declared the candidate of All Progressives Congress (APC), Adam Rufai, as winner of the by-election into Patigi constituency in the Kwara House of Assembly.

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