
Primary school pupils protest ASUU strike in Osun

Primary school pupils in Osun State have persuaded the Federal Government to resolve the grievances of university lecturers.

The Informant247 recalls that it is almost six months since the Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, have embarked on strike.

Other unions in the universities including ASUU, Non-Academic Union of Allied and Education Institutions (NASU), National Association of Academic Technologists (NAAT), and Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU) have also been on strike for the same length of time.

The Nigeria Labour Congress, NLC, has also threatened to embark on a two-day nationwide protest starting on Tuesday.

In solidarity with the ongoing lockdown of Nigerian universities, the primary school pupils converged at the Obafemi Awolowo University main campus gate armed with placards with different inscriptions.

The protesting pupils demanded improved welfare for university lecturers in the country, urging the federal government to do all within its reach to protect their future.

Other students urged the government not to jeopardize the effort of the founding fathers of Nigeria particularly in education.

A primary school educationalist, Iyabo Ayanku expressed worry over the standard of the national curriculum and stressed that Nigeria’s developmental agenda can only be achieved in a more organized setting for teachers and students.

She urged the government and other stakeholders in the education sector to return to the negotiation table to save the nation’s education sector.

Daily Post

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