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Malam Dikko Umaru Radda, the Katsina State Governor, on Wednesday, approved the appointment of Alhaji Saidu Ibrahim Danja as the Senior Special Assistant (SSA) for Victims of Banditry and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

The Informant247 gathered that the appointment which is with effect, comes as part of the Governor’s commitment towards addressing the challenges faced by individuals affected by banditry and internal displacement within the state.

According to Arc. Ahmed Musa Dangiwa, the Secretary to the State Government, in a statement released, said the appointment reflects Governor Radda’s confidence in Danja’s ability to serve the community’s best interests and contribute to the state’s efforts in addressing the challenges faced by victims of banditry and internal displacement.

On his part, Gov. Radda’s Chief Press Secretary, Ibrahim Kaula Mohammed said “the Governor’s decision to establish the position of SSA for Victims of Banditry and IDPs Support, highlights his administration’s dedication to alleviating the suffering of those affected by these pressing issues.

“Danja’s appointment signifies the importance of providing specialized support and assistance to victims, ensuring that their needs are adequately addressed and their voices are heard.

“As Senior Special Assistant, Danja will be responsible for coordinating efforts to support victims of banditry and internally displaced persons, collaborating with relevant agencies, organizations, and community leaders. His role will involve developing and implementing initiatives to address the immediate and long-term needs of those affected, including access to shelter, healthcare, education, and livelihood opportunities.

“Governor Radda expressed confidence in Danja’s ability to make a positive impact in this crucial role and emphasized his administration’s commitment to prioritizing the well-being and recovery of all victims.

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